Sunday, February 27, 2011

{Spot the Difference}

Can you spot the difference in these two pictures?

Miss P's Party:

Miss B's Party:

Anything looker brighter? Lighter?

We {I} painted white over the brown chair rail area a couple weekends ago {it was brown when we bought the house}. I also raised the chair rail a couple inches. I was a sloppy with the paint since I had planned to immediately paint the top half, but then I ended up sick and didn't. There are a few smudges of white paint on the tan where I went a little crazy with the paint, but over all I'm loving the brightness it brings to the kitchen.

We also moved the table over to the other wall. I have plans for that table {I think}.

Next up: Paint the kitchen yellow and decorate.

And possibly add beadboard below the chair rail. I want to try the wall paper so many have raved about, but our walls are textured, which might me disaster waiting to happen. I've heard mixed successes with wall paper on textured walls.

There is plenty more I want to do with the kitchen, but those are our *near future* plans.

Have you had any success with wall paper on textured walls?

3 People Had to Say...:

Luke and Tina said... 1

I love how you painted it white. I wish I had as much energy and ambition as you do to start working on mine. It really looks great!

Dacia said... 2

I love chair rails and beadboard. One day I'm going to have them in my home too. I like the lighter colors. Good luck if you decide to do beadboard.

Thanks for the sweet comment on our blog :)

Patty said... 3

Hi! New follower, happy to find you!

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