Friday, April 15, 2011

{Carrot Cake-Cake Balls}

I've been wanting to try making the cake balls from Bakerella that everyone buzzes about around blogland for quite some time and today I finally did. With Easter around the corner, carrot cake came to mind, so I used carrot cake with cream cheese frosting.

Making these has been an all day event and I'm still not done with them all.

First you have to bake the cake and let it completely cool before you make the cake ball "batter". Then once you mix the cake and frosting, you have to let it chill for several hours in the fridge...and I found I had to put them back in the fridge after I rolled them into balls, because the second the started getting room temp, they became difficult to work with. I'm waiting for the other half to re-"chill" before I dip them.

I added tangerine jelly beans immediately after dipping them so they would stick and then piped little green tinted chocolate "carrot tops" on to make them look like carrots.

Not perfect, but they did come out pretty darn cute if I may say so.

I plan to hurry and package these all up and give them away before they slowly disappear in our household...If that happens, I have a feeling they will later be found on my hips!

Linking up to these great parties:

Tidy Mom

Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!
Tip Junkie handmade projects

19 People Had to Say...:

Dawn said... 1

these are so cute! they look and sound delcious!! love the jelly bean carrot-great dessert for easter!

Kristin Dudish said... 2

These are great! I love the way you created the carrot - perfect for Easter!

Sue said... 3

They turned out so darling! Love the jelly bean carrot:)

TidyMom said... 4

so cute!! I love the jellybean on top to look like a carrot!! and the green polka dot wrappers are perfect!!

my tips on making cake balls:
I bake my cake the night it's cool and ready to start in the morning.

I use a cookie dough scoop to make quick balls.

After I make all the balls, I just place them in the freezer for about 30 mins...and remove only about 10-20 at a time to dip in chocolate. That way the others stay cold in the freezer while I'm dipping. - whole proscess on day two may take me an hour and a half to two hours.

oh, and white chocolate is harder to work with, so if you make them again with milk or dark chocolate, you'll find covering them will go quicker/easier.

This are just adorable!! Well worth the work!

TidyMom said... 5

Coming back to say thanks so much for linking up! I featured your post in my wrap up!

Have a GREAT weekend!

Amy @ Positively Splendid said... 6

These look absolutely delicious! Love those little jelly bean "carrots"! I've shared them in my Saturday Seven lineup this week. Take care!

ReadyOrNot said... 7

Your cake balls turned out beautiful! The first time I made cake balls, they turned out looking more like doo doo balls, fell apart in the chocolate dip and made a huge mess! I am getting better at it now though, lol!
Also, here is the spring bottles my little one made me drink the beer at 11 in the morning to make:
Thanks for all of your great ideas!

Anonymous said... 8

These look absolutely amazing! I was actually getting ready to make some cake balls tomorrow and I love the jelly bean carrot idea. Looks delicious.

Taleah said... 9

Those are SO cute! I haven't been brave enough to attempt any yet. Thanks for sharing!

FromTheHeartsOf said... 10

I would love to know how you dipped the cake balls. I had the hardest time with mine. Here is a link to the post

It is nearly impossible to recreate bakerella's perfection, love your attempt though. They look way better than mine did.

Simply Domestic said... 11

These are so cute! What a great idea! I'm new to your blog...can't wait to look around!

emilyadamc said... 12

Love these, they are really cute and classy. I have to try them. Carrot cake is a good idea too.

I found your blog on Tip Junkie and love it!

Tina @ MOMS CRAZY COOKING said... 13

I just LOVE the little carrot on top! So CUTE! We'd love to invite you to come on by and link it up, if you wish to THIS WEEK'S CRAVINGS "Easter Cookies & Treats"

Jen @ My Own Road said... 14

So cute! and they look really tasty too :)

EmandM said... 15

These look so perfect! I have to try them soon!

Jessa Smith said... 16

Yum! These look so delicious! I love carrot cake


Tracy said... 17

I love the carrot cake idea!! I think I will use this. what did you dip the cake balls in? melted white chocolate??

Mama Duke's of a Mini Diva said... 18

I'm a new follower from wanted to invite u to follow me back & join Tru Deals buy group for ur boutique supplies at very low prices. Come check us out

Deanna @ TheChangingHouse said... 19

Well, I've made them before and I know what you mean by a lot of work, but so you know, they are totally worth it. Yours came out so amazingly well! Mine did not, so I'm happy you were able to create something so marvellous with all the time you spent on them! Good job!

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