Saturday, February 26, 2011

Party Blowers

Unless you are going with a commercial party theme, it can be hard to find party favors to match your party decor.

Not a problem though! With a little paper and some work, you can make your own.

I started with a pack of party favors from Dollar Tree.
There were 8 in the pack.

{I took off the butterfly to use as a template}

Keeping the length of the butterfly in mind, I cut cupcake bottoms and "frosting" out of scrapbook paper.

Then I cut white strips of cardstock to use as a base for the cupcakes.
My strips happened to be 4.5" by about 1.5" wide, they need to wide enough to put holes in to fit back over the blower.

Then I put the butterfly on top to use as a template for the holes that your slip the party blower straw through.

Cut out your holes and glue your cupcakes to your base...

Slip back over the party blower straw piece:

And test...

{Party favors to perfectly match our birthday theme decor}

3 People Had to Say...:

... said... 1

Oh...I love your blog...I am a new follower. I think I am going to adapt your bloom vases for a St. Patty Decoration. Wish me luck. I will make sure to link back to you for the idea.... :)


Anonymous said... 2

I used to love those party blowers when I was a kid. Very smart and creative to make them fit your decor. I was going to say they would have looked cute with a cherry on top until you put the cupcake on the blower. Then I realized the blower looked like one.

Thanks for visiting my blog today!

DIY Party Mom said... 3

What a great idea! It's hard to find good party favors without breaking the bank. This is a great idea.

Thanks for linking it up at my Linky party! I love all your ideas. I'm off to look at more.

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