Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hello Out There!

I know I've slacked on this blog lately, I'm trying to get my blog groove back, so help me, k!
If you read this, have been secretly lurking... or even publicly follow this little blog of mine, SAY HELLO!

I know there are at least 85 or so of you...

Tell me where you're from...
How you found my blog...
Anything you think I should know!
(be nice!)
And if you have a super intriguing (or even not so interesting) blog that you'd like me to check out, let me know!

So go ahead, leave some comments. Don't disappoint me!

Promise I'll have another Friday's $15.00 and Under finds tomorrow!

8 People Had to Say...:

Pam said... 1

I'll say hello. I'm from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada. It's located right across the river from Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan. It's where 3 of the Great Lakes meet and it's small and cold but beautiful. I'm not sure how I found you - I think from another blog's link.


Karen said... 2

Hi- From Oregon! I love your cute blog and I know how hard it is to keep up on it and your shop too! Your doing great! I think you are 1 of my followers and I know I have your button on my blog, but just in case, here is mine:
Let me know what you think of my first tutorial!

Southern Girl said... 3

Hey Chicy! I know you follow my blog! That is such a cute hair flower!

RyDeb.White said... 4

Hi Chicy,

My name is Deborah and I'm from Alpharetta, GA. I love all the cute stuff you share on your blog, oh and the recipes and tips are great too!

Embellished Bayou said... 5

Hi from Louisiana! I think yours was one of the first blogs I started to follow when I started my blog. I think I found you on Etsy? I can't remember! Blogging is hard, keep at it!

Michele Mallory-Davidson said... 6

Hey there! It's Michele from Portland Oregon. I think I found you on Twitter, I follow your blog and of course I LOVE you salad!! I am the "Salad Stalker!" Love your blog!

FEDERICA said... 7

Hello from Italy!
Actually, I don't remember how I found your gorgeous blog...but I'm glad I did!
Have a wonderful weekend my friend!


Samantha G said... 8

I always wonder why more people don't comment on blog :) Sometimes you look at your stats and see 100 or more hits in a day and you've got to wonder what they're all doing, hehe. So here I am to say hello. I found your blog on Etsy, and I think it's just beautiful!

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