Tuesday, March 15, 2011

{Cafe Rio Creamy Tomatillo Dressing}

Super Low Entries on the Necklace or $15 credit to Chicy Creations Giveaway- End 3/31
Easy Entries!

I've posted the Cafe Rio Creamy Tomatillo Dressing copy cat recipe once before, but I made a couple minor adjustments last night and I think it made a huge difference.

Café Rio Creamy Tomatillo Ranch Dressing

1 bottle fat free ranch dressing (I make mine from a Hidden Valley Ranch packet)
3 tomatillos chopped**
½ bunch of cilantro
1 clove garlic- minced
Juice of 1 lime
1 small jalapeño (remove the seeds)

Blend everything together in a food processor or blender.
The last recipe only called for 2 tomatillos, I used good size tomatillos and thought the flavor was much better this time. I also used less jalapeno this time, last time I used too much and it was a bit on the spicy side. This dressing isn't supposed to be really spicy, of course of you like spicy, by all means, spice away, but I used about a heaping tablespoon full of chopped jalapeno and it worked out perfect.

**Tomatillos can be found by the peppers in the produce section. See above picture. REMOVE the husk before using it.

Other Cafe Rio Recipes can be found HERE.

I made the rice, chicken and dressing last night. Delish.

4 People Had to Say...:

Southwest Cottage Designs said... 1

I found your blog today and am your new follower. The Creamy Tomatillo Dressing recipe looks really good. I've saved it and plan to try it soon.

Emily {Frilly Details} said... 2

Too funny, I made "Cafe Rio" salads this evening for dinner!! I used to live in Phoenix and LOVED their barbacoa salads. I usually use Our Best Bite's recipe for dressing but next time I'm going to try this. So glad you shared!!

Luke and Tina said... 3

Trust me...It was YUMMY! Thanks again for bringing us dinner so I would have more time to snuggle with my little man.

Unknown said... 4

Im from Utah but now live in the UK. I absolutely LOVE CAFE RIO!! It is, besides my family, the thing I miss the very most about UT. I am always looking for the perfect Cafe Rio recipes. If you have anymore I would love to hear them. Im still on the look out for the most amazing sweet pork recipe. If you have one maybe you can email it to me or point me to it on your site. alisha@homemakinghoneys.com Thanks for the post!

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