Monday, November 17, 2008

On Vacation!

Ok, I'm not REALLY on vacation, I wish...but I realized I needed to put my shop on vacation mode for the next few days. I have loved and appreciated the orders I've received, but I've been sick for about 5 days too many now which has slowed me down and have that craft fair this Saturday which I've made ZERO tutus for! I was doing a bit better this weekend, but now this nasty cough has settled in. I let out a deep ugly cough while holding my daughter and I scared her so bad she jumped and clinged to me closer! You would have thought I turned on the vacuum, which she hates.

Now I know in my last post I said I'd take 10% off your next tutu purchase, and I do mean that! Once I get caught up on previous orders and make some things for the fair, I will be accepting orders again.

Happy Monday and I hope everyone has a wonderful week!

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