Friday, June 13, 2008

Friday's Featured Shop

This weeks featured shop is a sweet one! A mother/daughter team, Pam and Katie sell hand dyed and hand painted clothing. Pam has been painting and selling art for over 15 years using acrylics on wood. Pam credits her daughter with total inspiration for starting a business, in her words "One day my daughter, Katie painted an outfit [a onesie and pair of shoes with sweetes bunny in the grass] for her daughter. I knew she had talent but was really impressed, she did such an outstanding job that I really felt she could sell her clothing...and it didn't take me long to decide to switch and become a fabric artist....and to totally support her effort also."

Pam and Katie had been doing children's clothing for nearly two years when they read about etsy and its great support of artists. It was then they decided to set up a shop and see what happens! Their shop has been open since April 2008 and features everything from shoes to shirts to pants to tote bags for both boys AND girls! Please take a look, I am sure you will find something you like!

1 People Had to Say...:

Laura Blue said...

you are so sweet to do this! i just love seeing what other people have to offer. i'm just too lazy to search other people's things. so that's great of you to share. lol

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