Saturday, July 9, 2011

{Recycled Crayons}

I'm definitely not the first or last person to do this, but I wanted to share since my daughter was thrilled with this project!

My 3 year old loves to purposely break crayons and remove the paper.
Drives. Me. Crazy.

Making recycling crayons was the perfect project for her. I took a couple pictures of the process, which luckily is simple since I somehow lost those pictures.

*Recycled Crayons*

Preheat Oven to 275 degrees
Spray cupcake tin with pam- I used a mini one.
Set your little ones to work removing any paper on crayons
Break crayons into small pieces to fit cupcake tin
Bake for 5-7 min or until melted, stir, keep an eye on them, they melt fast.
Let cool completely

When they were ready, I wiggled the pan a bit, turned it upside down, tapped on them and they all came out pretty easy.

My daughter kept saying "Oh! I love them"
And I loved that I did have to keep finding broken crayons or paper around!

*Just a warning, I've heard you can use silicone molds, but the crayons will stain them so you probably won't want to bake in the afterwards. Probably be safe to use a metal pan or something you don't care about ruining :)

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