Wednesday, March 23, 2011

{Framed Wall Art for Under $2...and links for free digital wall art}

The necklace/$15 Chicy Creations shop credit giveaway ends next week?
Super Low entries still. Enter Here!

I framed the cutest wall art for our master bedroom today.

It made my heart go pitter-patter when I saw it finished...the frames, not the room...that will probably take me another year to finish.
A bit dramatic?... Maybe...True? Yes.

I've been on the hunt for free digital wall art since we bought our house last July. I've been saving/printing off free images since, and today, after months, I finally got around to framing a couple.


L-O-V-E them.

I found the frame on the left clearanced for 25 cents at Walmart last fall. It was dark walnut, with loads of scratches. I snatched it up along with a can of red paint for 97 cents. I already had the frame on the left, and after a few coats of red paint, they are {almost) a perfect match. 

I painted them months ago, when it was too cold, and they cracked a bit, but I don't mind one bit. Just added a little more character. Why it took me forever to put the prints in, I don't know...

I have two larger frames that match as well, but I'm still waiting on the perfect prints to put in them.

The "All You Need is Love" print was posted for free by {Our Humbled Abowed} for Valentine's Day.
You can see the post here.

The other {adorable} print was found at Indi Fixx, Feed Your Soul.

Is that not the sweetest print ever??

I printed both prints off on cardstock. Quick, cheap and easy.

That green wall behind the frames is in our office,
just a peek at what I've been up to in there...

The colors in the two prints will match our bedroom decor perfectly, if I ever get around painting. I've had the paint for weeks, and taped everything off a couple weeks ago, but once again have procrastinated.
It's what I do best.

My hubby informed that you are only supposed to painters tape on the wall for a couple days and it might be a pain to get off after I paint...hopefully that's not true...


Happy Wednesday!

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