Saturday, November 20, 2010

Stylish Blogger Award

First of all, have you entered the CSN Stores giveaway? We're talking free money folks! Who doesn't love the chance for free money?

Secondly, thanks to The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, I find myself thinking things like "Hot Blog, Hot Blog, Hot Bliggity Blog.."

If you have no idea what I'm talking about, you probably think I'm crazy...if you do know what I'm talking about, you still probably think I'm crazy...

This last week I was given the "Stylish Blogger Award" from Sarah at Takens-Tidbits.

Thank you Sarah!

Here are the rules to play along:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this. (See above!)
2. Share 7 things about yourself. (See below!)
3. Pay it forward to 15 recently discovered great bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and tell them about their award.

So here goes about me:

1. I love music and singing {not that I do it well}. I'm one of those people that sings to the music on the radio even if I don't know all the lyrics. It can get interesting.
2. I have a sick love for Diet Mt. Dew. I might need to seek help soon. Hello, my name is Amy and I'm a Diet Mt. Dewaholic.
3. I have two girls, P and B..and our last name starts with a J. Lucky them. I love them, and I also happen to love PB&J, but don't be fooled that those two loves are related somehow. P will be 3 next month *sniff sniff* and B just turned 9 months yesterday.  
4. I'm the best craft starter, but the worst finisher, especially when it comes to sewing. I have about 4 quilts half done (one I started 10 years ago) and fabric cut for 2 more quilts...all unfinished.
5. I love to read, I have a few favorite shows {The Big Bang Theory and Bones}, but most of the time I'd rather snuggle up on the couch with a book in the evening...somehow I haven't had much time for books or TV lately {see #3}.
6. If I go to a restaurant that has hamburgers on the menu, chances are I'll order a burger. I'm boring like that. I *might* mix it up with guacamole or jalapenos...but most of the time I just love an old fashion cheeseburger.
7. I love thrift stores. Not the kind that make you want to put hand sanitizer on after everything you touch and gives you the uncontrollable desire to rush home to the shower after you leave {been to a few of those in Arizona}. Deseret Industries is one of my favorites. I guess I should clarify, I love good thrift store *finds*. Going to a thrift store and looking at a bunch of junk isn't very fun. My {almost} 3 year old asks almost daily if she can go to the DI..wonder where she gets it from?

And to pass the award on...


  1. Thank you for thinking of me its always very flattering. Much love. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving. XO Jen

  2. Thanks for the award! You've just made my DAY! xoxo!!

  3. Thank you for passing on this award to me! I'm honored to be in such crafty company!

  4. Aw, Shucks! Thanks lots! What a compliment! Also I think I'd like to join your Diet Mt. Dewaholic support group. :)
    ♥ Aleesha

  5. Thank you so much for giving me an award!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG

  6. Thank you so much for giving me an award!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG


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