Wednesday, October 13, 2010

{What am I Reading?} Wednesdays

I love reading. L.O.V.E. love it.

Even more so now that my daughter is old enough to want to be read to.
While I love the opportunity to curl up on the couch or in bed and read a good for myself, I love finding a cute book to read to my daughter. I love the bonding time I get to have when we snuggle up and read a book and reading to her is always a good teaching opportunity for me and learning opportunity for her.

Now that my little one is at the age where she'll actually sit and listen through an entire story, we are getting past the board books stage and on the hunt for a good new book. Or used in some cases..we love finding a sweet book in great condition at the thrift store. I've been trying to find a new book each week to read or add to home collection.

And guess what? I'm going to start sharing our good finds...with you. Starting today!

{Don't worry, they won't all be children's books! I read plenty of "big girl" books too} :)

During my littlest afternoon nap, me and P built a fort and read and sang this book:

We both got a kick out this book!

The story is the lyrics of the classic children's song "Do Your Ears Hang Low?" It's a tale of a dog who's teased and pestered by a group of cats. Those pesty cats pull the poor beagle's ears low..and makes them wobble to and fro. While the the beagle innocently naps, the cats tie them in a knot...they tie them into a bow!

The story goes on to follow the lyrics and the illustrations tell a story of their own. At the end of the book it has the lyrics/music for the song "Do Your Ears Hang Low". 

My little one loves music and loves reading...these two things combined is sure to produce lots of smiles.

We picked this book up from the thrift store for just 50 cents!
You can pick yourself up a copy on Amazon here for $3.83 with free shipping when you spend $25.

 If you have any good book recommendations for me or my daughter, I'd love to hear them!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I've got some good books to recommend!
    Our favorite at the moment is "Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed" by Mo Willams. Such a cute book! Also, "Leonardo the Terrible Monster" is a super cute one and so is "Knuffle Bunny". Hmm, thinking on it, right now all our favorites are any of Mo Willams, he's a great writer!!


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