Friday, August 27, 2010

CHEAP Railroad Lanterns!

Are you a railroad lantern fan like me?

Love them.

Family Dollar has been selling these for just $3 this summer! Total Steal! It gets better though, the one here just marked all their summer lawn and garden items 50% off, including these railroad lanterns. I just picked one up for $1.50. Seriously, you can't beat that. They are 11" tall and fully functional.
I'll be using mine for decor purposes.
Love. Love. Love.

These would be perfect inside or as outdoor decor.

They carry them in red, green, and silver, but the glass center comes out so if you aren't digging those colors, grab a can of spray paint and change it to whatever color your heart desires.

I just saw a website selling smaller ones than these for $35. Um, I'll do $1.50, please!
Hurry and check your Family Dollar clearance!

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