Thursday, August 26, 2010

3D Fabric Flower Wall Art

I had a crafting itch today so I decided to whip up some decorations for my girls room. It's yet to be painted, but when it is and I start decorating, it's going to have a whimsical (not the best word...makes me think of fairies and unicorns) tree and flower theme to it.

I already made these, but those will be going on a shelf and I need some wall art.

I pulled out some fabric scraps from the girls quilts I'm making, some ribbon and a couple canvases.

This is what I came up with at first. 

I liked the idea, but the greens didn't match and it drove me crazy, so took of the bow (I'll save that for an accent pillow), made a few more flowers and wound up with this...

The stem on the last flower is crooked, which bugs me, but I'll get over it.

I might replace the buttons on the smaller flowers with something bigger but that's all I had that matched for now.

Such an easy project and perfect to make with easy I'm not sure a tute is even necessary, but in case you need a little help making your project, I've got some directions on the flowers.


You need:

Fabric scraps
Glue Gun
White fat quarter (optional)


Cut four equal size circles

Now fold each in half, and again...and one more time (that's 3 times for you math folks)
Now cut a rounded V into the top 

I didn't take a picture of that, but I'm sure you smarties can figure it out.

When you unfold it (once), it will look like this...

(Hello giant thumb and blurry picture!)

Now you might be thinking, that scalloped edge is totally uneven!

But not when you line them all up...
Glue them down, all four points meeting in the center
(your flower petals should be folded in half twice)
You'll want to place a dab of glue between each layer of fabric.

Add a button and their ready for your canvas!
I threaded yarn through each button so it looked more finish.

I also covered the canvas with some plain white fabric because the canvas was textured and I wanted a smooth finish. Glue your down your strips of ribbon first, top with flowers and your done!

These flowers are perfect for necklace too. Instead of making 4 petals, make 5, then thread each petal point on to the needle, spread them out and stitch through the center a couple times.

Put it on a chunky beaded necklace...

Once again, sorry for the poor picture quality, still taking pictures without an LCD screen to see what I'm doing! Kind of hard to blindly take photos.

Anyone want to donate to the "Amy needs a new camera so she can take better pictures" fund? :)

Tomorrow's Friday, Have a great weekend folks!

Linking up to...

It's a Blog Party

15 People Had to Say...:

Unknown said... 1

I love it!!! I love the little imperfections. Its adorable.

Anne said... 2

That's so cute!

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said... 3

This is super duper cute!! I love the three-dimensional effect, and those flowers are adorable!!


Anonymous said... 4

just found you from Tater tots and Jello, such a cute idea! I just love this, we are getting ready to move and i've been keeping my eye out for cute new ideas for the girls rooms, these would be perfect!

Melissa said... 5

Hello! I love this! I have been thinking about are work for my craft room! I have had canvas for about a year and half. I am going to do this! You should stop off at and link up to Tuesday Tell All.

nest of posies said... 6

this is darling.

i think the green goes really well AND i like to see a perfect straight flower in real life. i would of NEVER noticed. honest.



Lindsay Haynie said... 7

That looks so adorable. I love the idea!

. said... 8

Those are too cute!! I love the colors! :)

Lorie said... 9

Very cute! They would be fun on a throw pillow too!

Thanks for linking up to Show and Tell Saturday!

Kristi said... 10

Love this idea. Mentioned you in my post!

Delia said... 11

So very pretty! I love stuff on canvas.

Caroline @ Artfully Caroline said... 12

Very pretty. I might use your idea for my daughter's room makeover ( the room's theme is spring meadow)

Thanks for sharing


Ann @ makethebestofthings said... 13

So cute and clever, what an excellent idea. It looks great!

Crystal said... 14

This is so adorable! My girls have the same theme for their room so this is a must project for me. Thanks for sharing.

Its A Blog Party said... 15

Very Cute!
Thanks for linking up!

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