Saturday, June 12, 2010

On Vacation!

Ha! I wish! Chicy Creations has been put on Vacation mode, but I'm not away on some white sand beach basking in the sunlight. I wish! We are buying a house, almost as exciting, right? The wonderful FHA appraiser said we have to paint before we can get the loan. Paint, of all things! We have spent the last 2 days scraping, pressure washing, and sanding the house to prep it for primer. In. The. Rain. It's been Fantastic! Truthfully it hasn't been terrible. We are just excited to have the opportunity to buy a house and want to close by the end of the month.

No close ups yet, it looks much worse than that right now since the prep work!

With all this extra work and stress on our hands, I've temporarily closed shop. We've got a few of things to look forward to this next month. First, we hope to be closed and moved in. Second, I'll re-open shop at that time, and what we are super (did I really just say super?!) excited for is a new blog documenting the remodeling of the home and giving tips and tutorials. So look out for that! I also have a few new recipes (fish tacos being one of our current favs!) and tutorials to add here, but those will have to wait. Back to kicking the hubsters butt at poker!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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