Friday, June 25, 2010

{ I want I need! }

We still have not closed on our house.
Our lender has been lame. I've wanted to cry. I have cried.

We were out of town this week for a family reunion at Reid Ranch and had to make a 4 hour drive round trip to deal with some things for the loan that should have been taken care of months ago, or at least last week when I asked if they needed anything else before we left for our trip. In keeping myself sane, I have been searching for inspirational projects or items I want I need for the house.

Here are a few!

I {adore} Knock-Off Wood.

I want to build everything on Ana's site. We plan to build the twin farmhouse bed for my daughters' room.
The blue in the plans is tempting, but we will probably just paint it white.
She does have plans for a bench I want to build, paint blue and put at the foot of her bed.
Love. It.

I've already been contemplating colors for the home.
It's been a toss up between yellow or red for the kitchen.
I think this window treatment idea for DIY Ideas has solved the dilemma!

{ I want I need! } this Typewriter Keys art from Pottery Barn.
They are sold out.
Who am I kidding? I wouldn't pay the $300 for it if they had it in stock anyway.
I've seen a few bloggers that have made their own.
I just might try!

This old chair turned planter is SO cute.
Jasey from Crazy Daisy is genius.
We have some pretty worn chairs from Ikea. I think I might have to sacrifice one or two.
We have very little space on the front steps/porch, but i think one might fit perfectly.
And again, love the blue!
What are some websites that have inspired you?


  1. So glad you like my little chair!!!!

    Happy Day to you and good luck with closing!


  2. I hear you on the house..we have had offer over offer since January..we though it was seriously never going to end! Believe me I cried many tears along with you..over the last year since we had to move out to the day we signed papers I cried it was gone for good. Excited to see you make it cute and fun..It sure needs it!

    Love your ideas!


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