Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Another Must Have...

My husband likes to use my towel.

It. Drives. Me. Crazy.

And not in a good way...

He can share my fork..
Or share my drink..
He can kiss me..
Hold my hand...
We've had I've had his kids...
I've even let him use my toothbrush before...

But don't touch my towel!!

I'm hoping I've found the solution through {Aly and Ash}.

This personalized towel hanger is just too cute!

I'm thinking a couple of monogrammed versions are a must for our bathroom.

Does your hubby carry a pet peeve of yours?


  1. I just got a hamper for the bathroom, to stop the pile on the floor. Well, it has a lid that he now piles his clothes on, HOW HARD IS IT TO LIFT THE LID??? LOL

  2. I love my husband but he surely does drive me mad with a few things. He never puts the paper towell back on the thingy. He throws his clothes on the floor next to the hamper. Really? You couldn't have thrown them 2 inches to the left? He doesn't replace the hand towell in the bathroom when he takes the one thats in there. and my most irritating one- he doesn't put his things away when he makes food. If he's making a sandwich the peanut butter will be left out untill I put it away. Makes me loopy. But at least I love him.

  3. I need a hamper as well for the bathroom, Michele, but I am somewhat guilty of leaving clothes in the bathroom. Something I always have to work on. I keep telling my husband we need grown up sticker charts for our chores :)

    Ashlee- our husbands would be BEST friends. Mine does the same thing when he makes anything in the kitchen..and wrappers..or empty boxes he won't throw away. Ah! and somehow, he cannot make anything without the entire stove being covered in it. He'll make spaghetti and sauce will be everywhere...I even find it on the fridge door handle. Drives. Me. Bonkers...

    Not that I want this to turn into a bash your hubby's fault post.. we got to love them, right?! Oh the things we put up with for love! :)

  4. love love love that idea. i feel the same way as you do. i just need a bigger bathroom to be able to do it. super cute though...thanks for sharing


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