Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Tutus for Tuesday

A previous customer of mine contacted me today about a family who lost their sweet daughter, named Tuesday to Pediatric Cancer earlier this year. You can read about their journey here. They have been traveling the United States as they go through the process of healing as a family and in effort to promote pediatric cancer awareness at pediatric hospitals around the US. They are looking for tutus to be donated in Tuesday's names to handed out to the children at various oncology clinics.
I will be sending a package of tutus in the next couple weeks. If you'd like to help and make a donation, you can personally send a tutu to:
Tuesday's Tutus
P.O. Box 518
Watkins, CO 80134
OR you can send a secured monetary donation through paypal to:
If you are interested in purchasing a tutu from Chicy Creations to donate in honor of Tuesday, please contact me at I will be offering a discount for all tutus ordered that are sent directly to Tuesday's Tutus.


  1. If I had an extra dollar at this point I would love nothing more then to donate... I wills ee what I can come up with!

  2. Amy you rock for helping with this. I am so excited to get these sent...


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