Saturday, September 19, 2009

Fabric Pumpkins

Fall is officially just a few days away in the US. Crazy! Here in Utah, it got pretty cold and started snowing early last October. (Maybe that's not really early around here- last year was my first fall/winter here) I'm not sure I'm ready for snow again already, but I am ready to put out some fall decorations!

Last year I made these fabric pumpkins...

Easy Peasy Project! Ok, I might have had some frustrations with the first one I made, but my sewing machine was a bit dusty and it was purely my fault! If you are itching to make some inexpensive and easy fall decorations, give this one a try. You can find directions HERE. Mine are not nearly as cute as the ones in the tutorial. I think half of mine came out more like gourds than pumpkins? I think some sprucing up is in order before they go out this year!

Let me know if you make some. I'd love to see!

Know of any great tutorials for easy fall decorations or recipes? Leave a comment with the link!


  1. Those pumpkins are great! I may need to look into making some as we are worried that because we had such a hot summer and the pumpkins arrived early, already in the stores, that they may not last till Halloween.

  2. Way Cute! Ah, Fall, usually cooler here in Oregon, over 90 for 2 days now and not a lot of cooling in sight! Yikes!

  3. Wow, I can't believe its snowing there! I'm wearing shorts today here in Arkansas!

    The pumpkins are too cute - I'm going to have to attempt this project!


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