Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New News and Some Dang Good Brownies

Some of my loyal readers have probably noticed there hasn't been much to read in the last few weeks...or many new items in my shop...and twitter...what's that these days? I've had some fellow twitters point out my lack of tweets...and all I've said is I have a good reason, promise! So maybe its time to be real here and explain! We are expecting baby #2. I've had morning sickness since approximately week 3, before I could even test positive (I'm lucky like that!). Last week I started experiencing some pain, I went to the doctor, had an ultrasound and found out I have a 2 in ovarian cyst. Saturday I found out my progesterone level is low (barely within the normal limit) and was put on pills. Common side effects include bloating, nausea, cramps, heartburn, headache, irritability, fatigue, get the picture. All that + me = real treat! SO blogging and twitter has been put on the back burner (as well as the house work and cooking) and the couch is currently my best bud. Really, I'm not trying to complain, if all this results in a healthy baby, then I'll take it! Hopefully the morning sickness lets up soon (I had it everyday with my first pregnancy until I gave birth) until then, there might not be as many posts and tweets out of me!

Onto the Dang Good Brownies! The recipe is originally from here. I took some suggestions from the reviews and made some adjustments.


2 cups white sugar
1 cup butter or margarine
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
4 eggs
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt


1. Melt the butter or margarine and mix all ingredients in the order given.
2. Bake at 350 degrees F for 20 to 30 minutes in a 9 x 13 inch greased pan.

Mmmm! Super easy recipe!

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Thanks for the recipe. Who DOESN'T love brownies???

  2. Congratulations, best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy! And those brownies sound yummy!

  3. Congratulations!! WAHOO! I am so happy for you! I was one of those like you sick from day one, but my second pregnancy was MUCH better, so think positive! The brownies sound good too, but like the baby news better!
    ~Michele from By Your Side

  4. Love those brownies and your good news!!

  5. Congratulation on the new wee one! Hope you feel better soon.


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