Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Blog Award- Round 3!

For real? You ladies are really trying to boost that ego of mine, huh?

Thank you Cross My Heart Jewelery for awarding me this!

I'm supposed to award 15, but I'm going to cheat again and do 5... Sorry, it's round 3 and its hard to pick 45 blogs!! So...Here's a few more of my favs!

Cake Wrecks- Funny stuff!
Embellished Bayou
Kelly's Korner Blog
My Lily Eden
Sweet as Candy

I have so many favorites... I think maybe I ought to come up with my own little blog award and feature a different blog each week. What do you think?


  1. Oh, thank you for picking me as a fave! I'm so excited, it's the second time I've gotten this little blog award! So nice to have bloggy friends!

  2. Oh wow, really? It's the second award in only two days! I'm so honored! Thanks soooo much sweetie!
    You really, really deserve your award because your blog rocks!
    Have a wonderful day!


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Now, Go ahead... leave some love... you know you want to!