Thursday, May 21, 2009

Zesty Southwest Black Bean and Corn Pasta Salad

Warning: Incredibly Easy Recipe!!

Some friends invited us over for burgers last night and I said I'd bring a pasta salad. If you like black beans, corn, and chiles, you'll love this!

Here's what you need:

12 oz pack of spiral noodles
15 oz can of corn -drained
15 oz can of black beans- drained and rinsed*
15 oz can of Zesty Mild Green Chile tomatoes (or similar) drained well
8 oz bottle of Italian dressing
1/4 c. Parmesan cheese (optional)

*Make sure you rinse well, you don't want any liquid from the black beans in your pasta.

Cook pasta according to package. Drain. Mix all ingredients.

Chill (I did overnight). Eat.

After I uploading these pictures I realized Payton had got ahold of my camera and put a nice little thumb print on the lens and I forgot to clean it off. Stinker!

Can you tell I love easy recipes?? I love making pasta salad and rarely make the same version twice. Sometimes I do a mix of cubed cheese, broccoli, olives, and green chiles instead. Most of the time I just toss in what I have in my pantry or fridge that will go well together. This version is one worth making again! I'm terrible at knowing how many servings this will make...but it makes a lot! If served as a side, I'd say it'd easily serve 10-12. You could throw in some chicken and serve it as a main dish and probably serve 6-8. There was 4 and two kiddos and we have plenty of left overs!



  1. Love the dots!! Really going to try that salad!! My husbands favorite!

  2. Made the salad for dinner, my husband LOVED it!! Yay for me, he's the cook in the family, but I did give you credit! Thank You!
    ~Michele from By Your Side

  3. I'm hungry. There is no food in this house worth eating. Adding your recipe ingred. to my grocery list.


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