Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Lovely Blog Award- Round Two??

Again? Really! I'm so honored. Michele from By Your Side is really working hard to make my head way too big! First she blogs about my Pasta Salad here, and then she goes and gives me this sweet award!
Michele has got to be one of the sweetest gals I've met through Twitter. Thanks so much Michele!

I'm going to cheat a bit and not post another 15 blogs, but instead I want to invite you all to check out my blog roll scroll over there---> Those are some great reads!


  1. Hi,

    You left a comment in my blog and I have sent an e-mail to you but you haven't reply yet. Can you please tell me what do I have to do to claim my prize? Thanks!

    Best regards,


Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate every comment and I try my best to visit each commenter in return.

Now, Go ahead... leave some love... you know you want to!