Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Much to be Grateful For!

Today started to feel like a crummy day. I've been sick this week, and the weather has been so dreary. I put Payton down for a nap, took a bath, and started to think about what I have to be grateful for. I thought it would be good to blog about something on here other than etsy and recipes, and the normal blah blah blah. Don't worry, you'll still get plenty of blah, blah, blah in this post!

I'd like to introduce you to the two loves of my life, who I'm beyond grateful for.

This is Dannon:

Yes, Dannon, like the yogurt. And he's sweet, like the yogurt. And he's hot..well, yogurt isn't hot, but he sure is a stud! We've been together for almost 5 years, married for 3 this September. I am grateful that he's so patient with me and my Etsy shop. He doesn't mind, at least he doesn't act like he minds, eating on the couch several nights a week because I've taken over the kitchen table with ribbon and tulle... even after I begged to get a craft table for our spare room, and he bought me one. In my defense, there's always too much ribbon, fabric, my sewing and a ton of other stuff on my "craft" table to work on it. Dannon's the guy that plays with Payton and keeps her entertained on the nights I need to finish up orders.

This is Payton:

Like Peyton Manning, but spelt with an 'A' and she's a girl...and we didn't name her after Peyton Manning really... BUT she sure is tough like a football player! She's the little sweetheart that turned Chicy Creations into what it is. She's almost 16 months and loves yogurt, but isn't always sweet like it...most of the time, but not always!

Sunday night I was sick! Real sick, and Payton woke up in the middle of the night. I always get up with Payton when Dannon has to work the next day, but Dannon being the loving studly man that he is, got out bed that night before I could move. I fully expected him to bring Payton into bed with us so he go right back to sleep, but instead I suddenly heard him softly singing to her a song called "Teach Me to Walk in the Light". Talk about a heart melter!

Payton is already such a Daddy's girl, and I'm grateful to have married such a great guy to raise children with! *Both are wearing sunglasses to protect their true identities :) Only kidding. Sure are cute though, huh?

On to more things I'm grateful for! I've been lucky and honored to have been featured on some great sites this month.

First I was selected as a Miss April on Seriously Shellies Blog!

Timothy Adam was kind enough to feature me in last weeks top 10 monday, on both twitter and his blog. Thanks Tim!

And just today I about squeeled with delight to see My Shopping Connection has included my Midtown Chic Clippies under their Indie Spotting for Babies and Kids

Also, if you haven't checked out On the Dot Creations Polkadot Parade, head on over there and take a peak! A few of my items are in it along with some great etsian's items!

So today, even though I've been super crabby, I've got to fight it and remind myself all that I have to be grateful for! Oh, and I'm grateful for html tutorials...otherwise my blog would be totally messed up today!

Happy Wednesday Bloggers!

1 comment:

  1. yay! that is awesome about being featured on so many sites! good job amy!


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