Thursday, April 23, 2009


I seem to get asked a few of the same questions on etsy (in the forums and chat) and thought I'd answer them here. Who knew bow making was so interesting!

Q. How do you make your boutique bows? Do you use glue or bow wire? Do you use a bow maker?

A. Neither, I hand form and hand sew all my boutique, pinwheel, and flower loop bows. I do use glue to attach them to the alligator clips, but I never use a bow maker, I don't even own one!

I do use solely use glue for all my tuxedo bow clippies though:

Q. Who is that adorable little girl in your photos?

A. That's my little one, Miss Payton. She is 16 months, and loads of fun. She is pulling everything off the kitchen table as I type this!

Q. What do you do full-time?

A. I'm a full time, wahm/sahm mom. I work on etsy when Payton naps!

Q. How long does it take you to make layer flower loop bows?

A. Depending on the size and layers, about a couple minutes to measure, cut, and heat seal the ribbon, a few minutes to form and sew the a layer, and maybe 5 minutes to finish assembling the layers and attach it to a clip. I once had someone say they thought it took must take me almost an hour to do one...they must have been way over thinking it :) The first few I did made me want to pull my hair out, but now its down to an art!


Q. Where do you buy your ribbon and flowers.

A. Anywhere with a craft section! Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Joanns, Walmart, Target...and even the dollar store! Craft stores that have 40% coupons are my fav though! I do have to be picky at the dollar store, sometimes their flowers look like something that should be in a plastic vase on a dinner table at Home Town Buffet.

Q. What is "heat sealed"?

A. I heat seal all ribbon ends. All you need is a lighter, put the end of the ribbon in the heat of the flame, not the flame! Just run the ribbon close to the flame and this will slightly melt the end of the ribbon, preventing it from fraying! I prefer this to using fray check, much cheaper and not messy!

Q. Do you have a work/craft room?

A. Yes, do I use it?...No!

That's all off the top of my head! If you have any questions, feel free to ask!

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